Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Convergence the use of bothTechnology and Physical Security Research Paper

Convergence the use of bothTechnology and Physical Security - Research Paper Example Unlike in the past, corporate assets are now information-based. This has prompted corporations to integrate both physical and information security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the corporate assets. In addition, the rapid advancements in the technology sector has brought into question the effectiveness of security functions in preventing criminal attacks in organizations. Explored in the research are the implications of adopting security convergence within an organization, analysis of trends affecting security and loss prevention, and evaluation of non-traditional approaches to crime prevention from a multi-disciplinary approach. As mentioned, physical security deters unauthorized individuals from accessing facilities. There are several types of deterrence methods, which function by convincing attackers that imminent attacks on a facility are futile due to the presence of strong defenses. They include physical barriers, security lighting, natural surveillance, intrusion detectors/ electronic surveillance, access control among others. Physical barriers represent the outermost layers of security measures, which include fences, warning signs, and vehicle barriers. Their sole purpose is to delay attacks by acting as psychological deterrents. Security lighting installed at entrance points such as gates and doors deter unauthorized entrants, as guards can clearly see the well-lit areas. Natural surveillance entails altering the design or architecture of a facility’s perimeter to prevent unauthorized entry; for example, the vegetative cover between the fence and the facility’s walls is less dense givi ng guards a clear line of sight. Intrusion detectors/ electronic surveillance comprise of alarm systems, which function by alerting security personnel when unauthorized entrants attempt to trespass a secured area. Without prompt response from security personnel, alarm systems prove futile in preventing unauthorized

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