Friday, November 29, 2019

The Lady With The Pet Dog Essay Example For Students

The Lady With The Pet Dog Essay The Lady With The Pet DogIn reading the short story The Lady With The Pet Dog by Anton Chekhov and A Respectable Woman by Kate Chopin one can see key similarities of the two works. The short story by Anton Checkov deals with a man and a woman who are both married but regardless of this fact they fall in love with each other and have a secret affair. The short story by Kate Chopin deals with a married woman who is tempted to have an affair with one of her husbands friends, but she resist unlike the characters in The Lady With The Pet Dog. Both of the works deal with the fact that each of the characters are involved in committed relationships, but they are tempted to cheat in their relationships. The characters in the short story The Lady With The Pet Dog fall in love with each other and have an affair regardless of the fact that both of the individuals are married. A lady arrives in town with a little white dog, which would give her her name initially since no one knew of her true ide ntity. She walked along, always wearing the same beret and always with the white dog no one knew who she was and everyone called her simply the lady with the pet dog'(194). The man that has an acute interest in this young woman is named Dmitrich Gurov who is married with a daughter twelve years old, and two sons away at school. He is dissatisfied to say the least with his present situation and his marriage to his wife. while he privately considered her of limited intelligence, narrow-minded, dowdy, was afraid of her, and did not like to be at home(294). This man would often cheat on his wife because he is unhappy and thought very little of his wife. He had begun being unfaithful to her long ago-had been unfaithful to her often and, probably for that reason, almost always spoke ill of women, and when they were talked of in his presence used to call them the inferior race'(194). When this man seen a new woman in his town he decides to introduce himself and find out about the lady with the pet dog. As the two of them become closer and closer the relationship becomes more serious. They often walked in the park together which made their friendship grow stronger each day. afterwards he meet her in the square several times a day(193). After many acquaintances and talks he learns that this woman grew up in Petersburg and married two years previously. In the evening when the wind had abated they went out on the pier to watch the steamer come in(195). He soon learns that her name is Anna Sergeyevna. Also she will be staying in Yalta for about a month and she is there to take a well needed rest away from her husband, as he is in need of one too. He begins to make passes at her that she didnt notice at first such as offering to buy her a soft drink or some ice cream. Gurov often went into the restaurant and offered Anna Sergeyvna a soft drink or ice cream(195). As they grow closer they finally go far beyond the limits of a friendship. Then he looked at her intently, and s uddenly embraced her and kissed her on the lips, and the moist fragrance of her flowers enveloped him at once he looked round him anxiously, wondering if anyone had seen them(196). This sudden move was truly unexpected from the both of them and Gurov was afraid that someone would see them together for he is married as she is too and this is not tolerated in marriage. He is truly crossing the line and realizes that it is dangerous to be with Anna in public, because someone could see them. Anna felt tremendously guilty after this kiss from another man besides her husband. Its not right, she said. You dont respect me now, you first of all.God forgive me, she said, and her eyes filled with tears. Its terrible'(196). Although she felt horrible she felt just in her actions because of the way that her husband has treated her. Events like these continue on for weeks, up until the day it is time for Anna to go back home to her husband. a letter came from him saying that he had eye-trouble, a nd begging his wife to return home as soon as possible. Anna Sergeyevna made haste to go(198). She is truly not ready to leave the companion that she has met and fell madly in love with in her short stay in Yalta. Its a good thing Im leaving, she said to Gurov. Its the hand of Fate(198). As much as she hates to leave her newly acquired friend she knows its best for the both of them. They are both married and this type of behavior cant be tolerated. We are parting forever-it has to be, for we ought never have met(198). She was going out of his life forever he thought, all he has left are sweet memories of his young loving companion. And his memories glowed more and more vividly..(199). It seems as though he cant get Anna off of his mind even though she has been away for several months now. When he shut his eyes he saw her before him as though she were there in the flesh, and she seemed to him lovelier, younger, tenderer than she had been(198). He can no longer be without her and he d ecides to go and find the woman that he misses and loves so much. He is terribly unhappy when she leaves and he continues to be unhappy with his family and wife. He was fed up with his childrenIn December during the holidays he prepared to take a trip. He wanted to see Anna Sergeyevna and talk with her, to arrange a rendezvous if possible(200). He finally meets with her at an orchestra, but she is with her husband so he has to secretly meet with her. During intermission her husband leaves the theater, and Gurov makes his move to go and talk to her. Anna was truly shocked to see Dmitrich and was frightened that he has shown up while her husband is around. She glanced at him and turned pale, then looked at him again in horror, unable to believe her eyes, and gripped the fan and the lorgnette tightly in her hands, evidently trying to keep herself from fainting(202). She agrees to visit him in Moscow, but he must leave her at once before her husband returns and sees the two of them toge ther and becomes suspicious of this stranger that is talking to his wife. I will come see you in Moscow(202). After the meeting in Moscow both of them agree to visit each other regularly. The love and friendship they share those short few weeks is a bond that couldnt be broken. And Anna Sergeyevna began coming to see him in Moscow(202). .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 , .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .postImageUrl , .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 , .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7:hover , .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7:visited , .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7:active { border:0!important; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7:active , .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7 .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua1ca60ad7bfa89642275673a205ab1c7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Juveniles Essay We will write a custom essay on The Lady With The Pet Dog specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The character in the short story A Respectable Woman is a housewife that is happily married unlike the man and woman in The Lady With The Pet Dog. This woman is pleased with her husband and home environment and has no intentions of cheating on her husband. Her husband invites one of his college friends that he has told his wife so much about to visit for a few weeks. He is a very busy man and needs a rest away from his work so he can relax and enjoy himself. From the stories that her husband has told her she formed a picture of him in her head and from this visualization she dislikes this man. But she had unconsciously formed an image of him in her mind(205). Although when the man actually comes to visit she takes a liking to him and realizes what she thought before not to be true of this man at all. And she rather liked him when he first presented himself(205). What her husband has told her didnt match up with this man that appears before her when he arrives. After the man arrives s he truly is surprised at what the man is actually like. The man is not as much trouble as she expects and she begins to take a liking to this college friend of her husbands. Gouvernails personality puzzled Mrs. Baroda, but she liked him(206). She didnt know what to think of this man who didnt speak much and makes no direct contact with her except the occasional hello or good evening. Mrs. Baroda has mixed feelings about this man who had come to visit her husband. She had never known her thoughts or intentions to be so confused(206). One night while sitting outside on a bench Governail comes and sits down with her for a talk and to deliver a white scarf her husband has sent. While the two of them sit down for a talk she fells strongly attracted to this man. It seems as if she wants to reach out and touch him, and have him hold her closely in his arms. The strong impulse seems to overwhelm her but she resist. The stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him, the further, in fact, did she draw away from him. But she did not yield to temptation(207). When the time is right she rises and leaves Governail outside on the bench by himself. She fells that she needs to get away from him, and stay somewhere else until he leaves her home. To get away from this temptation she leaves and goes to her Aunt Octavies until her husbands visitor would be gone and she would not have this awful temptation to be with this man. When the two men awaken the nex t morning she is already gone to her Aunts house. She has escaped this terrible temptation that overwhelmed her that night on the bench outside and wouldnt have to worry about it again. In conclusion the similarities of theses two stories is remarkable. Both of the works deal with committed people in relationships that are tempted to be with someone other than their spouse. In one of the storys the spouse resist the temptation and in the other the temptation is far too great and cant be resisted. Although in both of the works the temptation to cheat is present and greatly considered.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Coca Cola Company Research Paper Example

Coca Cola Company Research Paper Example Coca Cola Company Paper Coca Cola Company Paper Introduction The below essay is about Coca-Cola company which is a beverage manufacturer established in the year 1892. The companys primary product is Coca cola which was invented in the year 1886 and was first bottled in 1894. The focus of this essay will be on developing a marketing strategy for Classic Coca-Cola or Coke for first half of 2012. This will also discuss about the market segmentation ,pricing strategy and target market using micro and macroeconomics concepts. The economic forecast report 2012 from different sources clearly communicates high economic growth , less unemployment and inflation rates. Coca-cola can use alternative scenarios to reduce the production cost * In countries were labors are very expensive, installing automated manufacturing machines and reducing the labor numbers in the production line will help to reduce its cost. * Coco cola base syrup which is the raw material is imported from regional units to several bottling plants which incurs transport cost, if it is manufactured at the same bottling plant some cost can be saved. The use of LED lighting and automatic shut-down technology during rest periods in all plants will help to reduce cost on Energy. * Production of own energy from renewable sources like solar ,wind in the bottling plant will help to reduce energy costs. * Coca cola can effectively introduce bio degradable plant bottle which can be recycled. PET bottles have 25% recycled plastic and glass bottles have 40% recycled glass. this will reduce its bottle manufacturing and disposal costs. Coca cola, a carbonated soft drink is a FMCG brand . Price elasticity -The opportunity cost of coca cola is very low, in which if the price of the product increases the demand decreased and vice versa responsively. For instance if the price of coke is decreased by 10% , the sales demand will increase by 20%. Therefore coca cola is said to be elastic as the demand is responsive to change in price. PED = %? Qd /%? P (PED=20/-10) Graph 1. 41 1-http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Price_elasticity_of_demand Income elasticity of Coca cola is the response of demand in quantity to change of consumers income . During the period of decline in consumers income ,the demand of coca cola also declines,as Coca cola is not considered to be a basic necessity for consumers , instead the demand for Milk and bread increases . On the other hand when the consumers income rises the demand of coca cola increases termed as Normal Good. Cross price elasticity of demand: The substitute product of coca cola is considered to be Pepsi, in that way if the price of Coke decreases by 10%then Pepsi will have increase in its demand by10%. XED = %? Qd Good A /%? P Good B (+10/+10= +1) The complimentary product of coke will be fast foods like McDonalds burgers etc. If the price fast food increases the demand for coke will decrease. Graph 1. 51 1-http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Substitute_good The market structure of coca cola is considered to be Duopoly which is also a type of oligopoly. Coca cola and its rival competitor Pepsi is having this type of market structure. There is a high barrier for new competitors to enter as the sector is dominated by these two firms. Also, there is chances of indirect rivalry for price decisions. The target market of Pepsi and Coke are focused more on Teen and youngsters. Pepsi came up with a strategy to sponsor an music event by which teens are more attracted. Thus they decided to become the official sponsor for The X Factor 1 . In response Coca cola planned to sponsor American Idol 2 . Also Coca cola has started a competition called Discover with Taio Cruz 3 which is a challenge for upcoming artist to collaborate with Taio Cruz. By the above example it is clearly understood that Both Coca cola and Pepsi are targeting the same market i. . Music loving Youngsters and teenagers but different strategy. 1 pepsi. com/thexfactor/ 23 thecoca-colacompany. com/dynamic/press_center/2011/03/create-perfect-harmony-with-taio-cruz. html Coca cola segments its market as Demographic Segmentation * Age * Income * Family size Age is a very important factor for determining the segments of coke. For age groups 14-28 the regular classic coke takes its share. On the other hand for diabetes pe ople, 28-40 age groups, the company has Diet coke Which has no sugar . Also for consumers who require more caffeine, no sugar zero calorie the company has Coke zero as choice. For low income groups coke has returnable glass bottles, for high income groups PET bottle coke is available, apart from that cokes pricing strategy is in a way that most of the people can afford so they also have Tin cans coke. For various family sizes coke has various quantities such as 200ml,350ml,500ml,1ltr,3ltr and cluster of cans(6s,12s,18s). Geographic Segmentation Hot and sunny weather pattern countries like UAE and African countries. Psychographic segmentation Focuses on Music and sports lovers (ex : Coca cola owns a baseball park in Allentown,Pennsylvania attracts sports consumers) Pricing Strategy: Coca-Cola uses have different pricing strategies because of its existence over 195 countries: Psychological pricing strategy: The price of a 2-liter bottle of Original Coke was $2. 495. They set the price to end in a 9, because this makes customers think the price is less than $2. 50, to appeal to the customer. Promotional pricing strategy: In supermarkets coke is priced temporarily low, to increase short-period sales. It creates a sense of urgency to purchase it quickly as it the price is for short term Segmented pricing strategy: Coca-Cola has 6s cans, 6s bottles, and 12s cans of the same product, all for separate prices. By their product in different sizes and at different costs, they get to increase their revenue, because there is not much difference in the costs required to produce the products. International pricing strategy: For instance, the price of a 2-litre bottle of Coke in the United States is different from the price of the same product in China. This has to do with the difference in economic conditions, competitive situations, and laws. Channel pricing: Coke carries a different price depending on whether it is purchased ill a fine restaurant, a fast-food restaurant, or a vending machine. 5- http://shop. netgrocer. com/shop. aspx? ;sid=28580561;sid_guid=93f0e5bc-1c27-4eb6-a3dd-e8fd84d5ae82;strid=2D462;sc=wwwNG_D1A024EE;strtab=Grocery;catL0=570;catL1=-1;catL2=-1;catL3=-1;HasProducts=0;ForceMenu=1;shopurl=browse. aspx;ns=1 Coca cola will be the Official Sponsor for London Olympics; Paralympic games 2012 . By sponsoring this massive event Coca cola is targeting to create high demand among young athletes and sport loving spectators. The Olympic Games are described as the Greatest Show on Earth. With a global TV audience of over 4 billion, 8 million spectators, 10,000 athletes and more than 200 countries competing, the show is now coming to London in 2012. Our aim is clear. To use the power of the Olympic Games and the passion and talent of our people to accelerate our plans to create an even stronger business for years to come( cokecce. co. k/about-us/-olympic-games. aspx) By this statement it is clearly understood that Coca cola has planned to create high demand. http://seekingalpha. com/article/271106-coca-cola-a-dividend-pick-for-the-next-5-years As you can see from the above graph that there has been a steady growth in sales for the last decade exceptionally due to the effect of global economic recession a mere decline in 2009 happened. When Recession occurs some consumers choose to buy only basic beverages like Milk, spring water etc. which in turn affects the sales rate of Coke. Therefore, by this graph and the strategy to sponsor Olympics , we can forecast that there will surely be High demand in 2012. Government policy: In some countries the government policies act as barrier to increase demand. * In 1999 Belgium government banned the sales of coke due to health policies (http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/world/europe/369089. stm ) * In 2006, the Indian state of Kerala banned the sale and production of Coke, along with other soft drinks, due to concerns of high levels of pesticide residue. ( http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Criticism_of_Coca-Cola ) * At 2006 in USA, a number of states had regulations restricting the sale of soft drinks and other foods in schools. wikinvest. com/stock/Coca-Cola_Bottling_Co. _Consolidated_%28COKE%29/Government_Regulation The company functions over 195 countries and it deals with 47 currencies. Coke uses cumulative foreign exchange structure i. e holistic not a individual currency market. If there is some fluctuation in the currenc y market it affects * International operation * Weakness in global economy * Price reduction due to local competition Less profit due to weakened currency * Dollars fall against other major currencies will increase its turnover. The company manages most of the foreign currency exposures on a consolidated basis, which allows us to net certain exposures and take advantage of any natural offsets. In 2005, we generated approximately 71 percent of our net operating revenues from operations outside of our North America operating group; therefore, weakness in one particular currency might be offset by strengths in others over time. We use derivative financial instruments to further reduce our net exposure to currency fluctuations. Our Company enters into forward exchange contracts and purchases currency options (principally euro and Japanese yen) and collars to hedge certain portions of forecasted cash flows denominated in foreign currencies. Additionally, we enter into forward exchange contracts to offset the earnings impact relating to exchange rate fluctuations on certain monetary assets and liabilities. We also enter into forward exchange contracts as hedges of net investments in international operations. Interest Rates: We monitor our mix of fixed-rate and variable-rate debt, as well as our mix

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Best Candidate to be U.S. President Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Best Candidate to be U.S. President - Essay Example The US presidential elections have called upon the people to elect a futurist and visionary leader. These elections are very important for the people of the United States as well as the rest of the world. This is due to the fact that people are living amidst great danger and challenges, which have proved to be of greater complexity than the problems of the past. At present, there are weapons of mass destruction, which can eradicate a nation’s people in one go. Terrorism has become globalized, and is increasing tremendously, due to the sophistication of communications and weapons. Democracy has been degraded, across the world, by some rogue nations, which also sponsor terrorism. A number of new health hazards are anticipated, as a result of the increase in global warming, which could lead to the outbreak of new diseases (Council on Foreign Affairs). These threats and risks cannot be addressed by the present leadership. What is required is a totally new vision, in respect of leadership, which is beyond Bush and his cronies at the White House. The need of the hour is visionary leadership that is based on the past experiences. It should not be bound by outdated and obsolete thinking. This was evident in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks on the US. The Bush administration responded by adopting traditional thinking. This thinking was confined to the conventional thinking of the past; and this inept government viewed terrorism as a state – oriented problem rather than a problem with international ramifications. Consequently, the Bush administration adopted military solutions rather than initiating international action. This conventional thinking led the US to wage a war against Iraq, which resulted in international opprobrium and hostility toward the US. The new visionary leadership has to perforce end this ethically unjustifi ed war and thereby pacify the comity of nations. The war in Iraq has to be ended in a responsible

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Convergence the use of bothTechnology and Physical Security Research Paper

Convergence the use of bothTechnology and Physical Security - Research Paper Example Unlike in the past, corporate assets are now information-based. This has prompted corporations to integrate both physical and information security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the corporate assets. In addition, the rapid advancements in the technology sector has brought into question the effectiveness of security functions in preventing criminal attacks in organizations. Explored in the research are the implications of adopting security convergence within an organization, analysis of trends affecting security and loss prevention, and evaluation of non-traditional approaches to crime prevention from a multi-disciplinary approach. As mentioned, physical security deters unauthorized individuals from accessing facilities. There are several types of deterrence methods, which function by convincing attackers that imminent attacks on a facility are futile due to the presence of strong defenses. They include physical barriers, security lighting, natural surveillance, intrusion detectors/ electronic surveillance, access control among others. Physical barriers represent the outermost layers of security measures, which include fences, warning signs, and vehicle barriers. Their sole purpose is to delay attacks by acting as psychological deterrents. Security lighting installed at entrance points such as gates and doors deter unauthorized entrants, as guards can clearly see the well-lit areas. Natural surveillance entails altering the design or architecture of a facility’s perimeter to prevent unauthorized entry; for example, the vegetative cover between the fence and the facility’s walls is less dense givi ng guards a clear line of sight. Intrusion detectors/ electronic surveillance comprise of alarm systems, which function by alerting security personnel when unauthorized entrants attempt to trespass a secured area. Without prompt response from security personnel, alarm systems prove futile in preventing unauthorized

Monday, November 18, 2019

Choose two poems from the book Donkey Gospel and argue for a single Thesis

Choose two poems from the book Donkey Gospel and argue for a single theme supported by both poems - Thesis Example This paper gives an insight into two of his famous poems from the very collection, and how the two may be compared to each other on the basis of stark humour. The poet is not afraid to go all out and make comments about everyday things that might end up hurting others. This is because, he has tried to make everything simple and help people understand the spirit and jest hidden in everything. His writing style elucidates the kind of writing a man with an open conscience would be able to carry out well. The two poems chosen for the purpose of analysis within this paper are ‘Jet’ and ‘Reading Moby Dick at 30,000 Feet’. Both the poems have the element of humour within them explained with the help of examples taken from life’s perspective. â€Å"On earth, men celebrate their hairiness, and it is good, a way of letting life out of the box, uncapping the bottle to let the effervescence gush through the narrow, usually constricted neck.† (Hoagland, Ton y) These lines have been taken from the poem titled Jet, and they talk about the obviousness that a person must go through in life, in order to understand its true meaning. Adept with deep humour, the lines talk about how a man has no choice but to celebrate the joy of life with what he has, even if it is his own bodily hair, and doing this is the best way by which one can let go of himself. He has tried to make an analogy of a person’s imagination and mind with that of champagne gushing out of the narrow neck of a glass bottle. The humour in the lines can be seen in the way Hoagland has tried to portray the simplicity of life; equipped with personal hair. He means to tell his readers that a person might not have much but even facial or body hair is enough to get him out of the rat race that everyone seems to be so inherently a part of. In his other poem titled â€Å"Reading Moby Dick at 30,000 Feet, he writes, â€Å"I would estimate the distance between myself and my own f eelings is roughly the same as the mileage from Seattle to New York, so I can lean back into the upholstered interval between Muzak and lunch, . . .† (Hoagland, Tony) Through these very lines, the poet has again tried to make humorous comparisons of life with analogies taken from everyday routines that people undergo. He has tried to depict how human emotions and feelings do not only play up when a person wants them to do so, against or for someone else. Feelings are something that is strong enough to distance a man from his own self too. So in accordance to the same, he writes that his feelings are as far away from himself as the distance there is between Seattle and New York and the best part about embarking upon this long journey of figuring out what his feelings are actually, is that during the interim period, a person is able to relax into his calm sub conscious mind and make travels to and fro the various nooks and crannies in the corner of one’s mind (between mus ic and lunch, or other aspects of daily living.) Both these poems thus are very similar to one another on the basis of the theme that they have been written in. They both talk about certain fundamental questions of life and how to counter a person’s emotions. Both poems have strong analogies with a certain hint of humour equipped in them as well. Even though the poems might answer different questions altogether, they do fall into line while coming

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Children Poisonous Plant

Children Poisonous Plant Poisonous Plants All children are little explorers; they are the best at finding things that us grown ups, never see. I have had experiences with this; my three children seem to find things around the house, which I never see or never thought, would be there. I have my house safety ready for my children or any child that comes into my house, but its not safety ready for their mouths. I dont think that they make a safety device to put on their little mouths, although that would be easier. When my children are outside they love the flowers, vines, plants, and the different kinds of berries, that they see and will find on the ground. I am always telling them that things that are pretty dont mean that they are good, but they are kids. They dont really see danger especially with plants, flowers, and berries. Thats why I think its very important to educate safety about the different types of plants, flowers, and berries with children. Especially, teaching them that all plants arent good plants. There are so many plants, flowers, and berries that are poisonous. I learned things about plants that I hadnt really thought of, before. I researched the different kinds of plants, flowers, and berries that are poisonous; these are the ones that will probably be the most importance for our children to know and to be educated about. Dont take me wrong, as if the others arent important, because they are. All poisonous plants are important to our children as the things in their everyday lives are. The most common Poisonous Plant that my children are aware of is the Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Plant. These are the ones that I educated my children on first. I knew that the other plants, flowers, and all the other berries would be educated on later. I wanted to get the Ivy, Oak, and Sumac out there in the opening for them to understand this better, because just about everywhere we go there is a mess, of one of these three, hanging around, calling out childrens names. I was taught, when I was young, an old saying that I always think of when I see these three plants. I have taught this to my children also. ‘Leaves of three, Let them be.† I was surprised to find a website that actually said the same. This is amazing that after all these years, that this saying is still being said, which is a good thing. Children love rhymes, so I knew this would linger with them for a long time. It works too, because if were out I hear them saying this if there are plants around. One time, my se ven year old, she was playing with her brother and I guess she thought that he was heading toward the plants that were under one of the trees, because she yelled so loud at him. Then I saw her run to him and she was telling him to count the leaves but never touch them. Then I heard her say, â€Å"see thats why you dont touch them.† Thats when I heard them singing the rhyme. â€Å"Leaves of three, Let them be.† The tissues of all these plants contain poisonous oil. This oil is what causes the plants to be so dangerous. If the oil was to ever come in contact with your skin, soap and water should be used as quickly as possible. The smallest amount of this oil on the skin can cause serious problems. From experience, I have seen red blistering patches form on the skin that will spread through out your body. These patches can be very itchy with some soreness. They make some lotions, like Calamine Lotion, that you can use to prevent the spread and dry out what has already been spread. My son just runs past a couple of plants, of the Ivy, in the back yard, and he ends up breaking out all over. My son and I are very much allergic to the Poisonous Plants, Ivy, Oak, and Sumac. We have to get medical attention as soon as possible when we noticed an outbreak. The other Plants, Flowers, and Berries are: Seeds from Apples, the leaves and pits from Peach, Plum, Apricot, Almond, and Cherry, the leaves berries and roots from the Pokeweed, the leaves-not stem from the Rhubarb, Foliage and vines of the Tomato, and Lilies. These are the few that had a surprise on me. There are plenty more to share also like; Aconite, Castor Oil Plant, Deadly Shade, Delphinium, Foxglove, Oleander, Privet, Yew, Autumn crocus, Azalea, Angels Trumpet, Caladium, Daffodil bulbs, Daphne the berries are poisonous, Datura nightshade, Dumbcane, English Holly the berries are poisonous, Hyacinth bulbs are poisonous, Bittersweet, Bleeding Heart, Black nightshade, Darnel, Deadly nightshade, Death Cama, Elderberry roots, Elephant ear-which I never knew, Horse Chestnut, Hemlock, and many more. An accurate list for all Poisonous Plants, Flowers, and Berries can make a nice educated planning for the children to know more about their surroundings. Most of these plants are where our children are. Some of the plants are probably not known to be poisonous, but are. It is very important to start educating the children at a young age, so they will grow with the knowing, that all things arent good for them. There are many ways of getting the young to understand these things. They especially like when they are hands on, with an experiment. Trying somethings like art, touring the outdoors, and/or books are even a hit, with the children. There are several books that talk about poisonous plants on childrens level. Some of the childrens books could be; Dumb Cane and Daffodils: Poisonous Plants in the House and Garden and Moonseed and Mistletoe: a Book of Poisonous Plants. Making learning fun for the child will teach them a lot. Childrens safety, health, and nutrition are so important for them. Making them understand that, in a way that they can understand it, is the joy when working with young children. All the references that I used to complete my paper are included in the footnotes through out the paper.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Call To Action :: essays research papers

Call to Action Improve nations balloting but leave control to locals Author Unknown   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SUMMARY: A Call to Action is an article from the Houston Chronicle on Thursday, February 20, 2001 informing the nation on the controversial issue of the nations ballots system. The article begins with the announcement of next month’s Census Bureau release of the population’s data. This means that all the voting boundaries are going to be redrawn and reconfigured. It continues to talk about the amazingly close and controversial presidential election on November 7th. Difficulties erupted all over the state of Florida and throughout the United States in which the reliability and accuracy of the balloting system is questioned. Fortunately, because of the controversial ballots and ballot systems there have been numerous groups and committees organized to study and improve our out of date voting system. It says that several people in Congress are working on multiple bills being created to establish nation wide standards for ballot-counting systems. The article states, â€Å" One U.S. House lawmaker, Beaumont Democrat Nick Lampson, wants national standards for voting machines and poll closing times.† The author agrees with Lampson in that the voting machines have multiple flaws, one being the problematic punch card ballots. But he also thinks that the press would throw a fit if there was a national closing time at the polls just for the sake of avoiding early winning announcements. The National Association of Secretaries of State’s task force on election standards suggests leaving the enforcement issue to locals but have the government pay for voting machines. They also recommend â€Å"†¦more voter education, improved training for poll workers and maintaining up-to-date voter rolls†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . In the end the author feels that the communities should take on the responsibilities for reformation instead of an all-in-one government plan. He closes by reminding the reader that the nation’s President is elected through the Electora l College and the communities should supervise the voting procedure. OPINION: I agree with the author’s view on improving the voting system. I believe something needs to be done at least by the next election. In the election of 2000, Florida happened to be the center of the maelstrom. I find it hard to believe that any state that has had problems in the past with voting irregularities would continue to use the same flawed ballot system. Florida continues using a system year after year that allows people to vote twice on one ballot for the same political office, or that makes the results questionable because the paper might not be punched through enough for the machines to compute the votes?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cost sheet basic

18th Century Swimwear During the 18th century, spas where men and women engaged in public bathing began appearing in France and England. Men and women still bathed infrequently for recreation and it was considered as therapy. Modesty was of prime importance with style not much of a consideration in those days. The first suits were far from practical or comfortable; ladies went as far as to sewing lead weights into the hem of the bathing gown to prevent the dress from floating up and exposing their legs.With the introduction of railroads, ocean-side beaches became popular for sunny ecreations and a need to wear bathing suits was felt to protect the skin from the harsh sun and being modest and strongly against any skin show. This 1797 Gallery of Fashion print shows two ladies protected by face-shading bonnets, shawls and gloves as they 1858 Bathing Suit typically worn by the French and English. Early 19th Century Swimwear Even though the 19th century Swimwear was not very high fashion and stylish for the masses a strong need was felt for a fashionable outfit for swimming or Sea Bathing.This is because Sea Bathing was considered as a recreational activity which was only taken up by the wealthy. The Activity itself was considered fashionable. Along with this new outdoor pastime came the need for a stylish garment for the privileged lady of fashion. Here we will follow the path of the fashionable bathing suit, which began long before the modern day bikini. Bathing Machines In The Early 19th Century Bathing machines were roofed and walled wooden carts rolled into the sea Some had solid wooden walls others had canvas walls over a wooden frame.The Bathing Machine was a popular etiquette followed by women of the 19th century The use of bathing machines indicated swimming still being an activity where a lot of attention as paid to modesty and revealing one's body in public was considered to be Inappropriate. As it was an activity taken up only by the wealthy, That Class was very particular about keeping up appearances and not being inappropriate in public.Mid 19th Century Swimwear In the Mid nineteenth Century Bathing dresses continued to cover most of the female figure However the era of bathing suits was over, and then came the heavy flannel â€Å"Turkish† pants and â€Å"Paletot â€Å"Dresses The Main reason behind the use ot tlannel fabric was its quality of high opacity as compared to other Fabrics even when it was et This is another Indicator that skin show was still looked down upon. Late 19th Century Swimwear The swimsuits consisted of bloomers and black stockings.By 1855, drawers were added to prevent the problem of exposure. Women still refrained from swimming too much; the prevailing attitude of the day was that it was mainly a male prerogative. The â€Å"Princess† cut was introduced, consisting of a blouse and trousers in one piece. The skirts were replaced with cotton-like trousers. There was also a separate skirt that fell below the knee and buttoned at the waist to conceal the fgure. A ruffed cap or a straw hat completed the ensemble.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Aggregate supply Essay Example

Aggregate supply Essay Example Aggregate supply Essay Aggregate supply Essay Aggregate supply Aggregate supply curve showing the three ranges: Keynesian, Intermediate, and Classical. In economics, aggregate supply is the total supply of goods and services that firms in a national economy plan on selling during a specific time period. It is the total amount of goods and services that firms are willing to sell at a given price level in an economy. Analysis There are two main reasons why Qs might rise as P rises, i. e. , why the AS curve is upward sloping: Aggregate supply is usually inadequate to supply ample opportunity. Usually this is fixed capital equipment. The AS curve is drawn given ome nominal variable, such as the nominal wage rate. In the short run, the nominal wage rate is taken as fixed. Thus, rising P implies higher profits that Justify expansion of output. In the neoclassical long run, on the other hand, the nominal wage rate varies with economic conditions. (High unemployment leads to falling nominal wages and vice-versa. ) An alternative model starts with the notion that any economy involves a large number of heterogeneous types of inputs, including both fixed capital equipment and labor. Both main types of inputs can be unemployed. The upward-sloping AS urve arises because (1) some nominal input prices are fixed in the short run (as in the neoclassical theory) and (2) as output rises, more and more production processes encounter bottlenecks. At low levels of demand, there are large numbers of production processes that do not use their fixed capital equipment fully. Thus, production can be increased without much in the way of diminishing returns and the average price level need not raise much (if at all) to Justify increased production. The AS curve is flat. On the other hand, when demand is high, few production processes have unemployed fixed inputs. Thus, bottlenecks are general. Any increase in demand and production induces increases in prices. Thus, the AS curve is steep or vertical. AS is targeted by government supply side policies which are meant to increase productivity efficiency and national output. For example, education and training and research and development. Is Denatlon good or Dao Tor tne economy? In economics, deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0% (a negative inflation rate). This should not be confused with disinflation, a slow-down in the inflation rate (i. when inflation declines to lower levels). Inflation reduces the real value of money over time; conversely, deflation increases the real value of money the currency of a national or regional economy. This allows one to buy more goods with the same amount of money over time. Deflation messes up the economy and causes recessions. When there is deflation the effective int erest rates are high, and only highly profitable investments are better than Just holding your money. This reduces the total investment spending and the demand for goods and services and slow growth in productivity.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Alexander The Great Essays (521 words) - Alexander The Great

Alexander The Great Essays (521 words) - Alexander The Great Alexander The Great Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), king of Macedonia, conqueror of the Persian Empire, and one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. Alexander, born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia, was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. Aristotle was Alexander's tutor; he gave Alexander a thorough training in rhetoric and literature and stimulated his interest in science, medicine, and philosophy. In the summer of 336 BC Philip was assassinated, and Alexander ascended to the Macedonian throne. He found himself surrounded by enemies at home and threatened by rebellion abroad. Alexander disposed quickly of all conspirators and domestic enemies by ordering their execution. Then he descended on Thessaly, where partisans of independence had gained ascendancy, and restored Macedonian rule. Before the end of the summer of 336 BC he had reestablished his position in Greece and was elected by a congress of states at Corinth. In 335 BC as general of the Greeks in a campaign against the Persians, originally planned by his father, he carried out a successful campaign against the defecting Thracians, penetrating to the Danube River. On his return he crushed in a single week the threatening Illyrians and then hastened to Thebes, which had revolted. He took the city by storm and razed it, sparing only the temples of the gods and the house of the Greek lyric poet Pindar, and selling the surviving inhabitants, about 8000 in number, into slavery. Alexander's promptness in crushing the revolt of Thebes brought the other Greek states into instant and abject submission. Alexander began his war against Persia in the spring of 334 BC by crossing the Hellespont (modern Dardanelles) with an army of 35,000 Macedonian and Greek troops; his chief officers, all Macedonians, included Antigonu s, Ptolemy, and Seleucus. At the river Granicus, near the ancient city of Troy, he attacked an army of Persians and Greek hoplites (mercenaries) totaling 40,000 men. His forces defeated the enemy and, according to tradition, lost only 110 men; after this battle all the states of Asia Minor submitted to him. In passing through Phrygia he is said to have cut with his sword the Gordian knot. Continuing to advance southward, Alexander encountered the main Persian army, commanded by King Darius III, at Issus, in northeastern Syria. The size of Darius's army is unknown; the ancient tradition that it contained 500,000 men is now considered a fantastic exaggeration. The Battle of Issus, in 333, ended in a great victory for Alexander. Cut off from his base, Darius fled northward, abandoning his mother, wife, and children to Alexander, who treated them with the respect due to royalty. Tyre, a strongly fortified seaport, offered obstinate resistance, but Alexander took it by storm in 332 after a siege of seven months. A lexander captured Gaza next and then passed on into Egypt, where he was greeted as a deliverer. By these successes he secured control of the entire eastern Mediterranean coastline. Later in 332 he founded, at the mouth of the Nile River, the city of Alexandria, which later became the literary

Monday, November 4, 2019

Drugs on University Campus Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drugs on University Campus - Coursework Example The students are involved in consuming drugs and alcohol usually is more likely to get C grade GPAs. It is a major factor of dropping out of students. One third of young people who died in accidents are drunk. Approximately half of the young people from age 16 to 24 tried drugs at least one time. Use of alcohol, ecstasy, cocaine and cannabis is drastically increasing on campuses and it can lead to morally corrupt society, it started when students see their friends taking drugs and they want to try it too and they get addicted. But the ratio of students who are taking drugs is low as it may be thought the ratio is higher, According to study of Drug culture on UK Campuses 45% of students not at all make an effort to take any form of illegal drugs, nevertheless 90% of students believed that their friends involved in consuming drugs (Friedberg, 2012). According to the survey report 77% students take cannabis, 39% ecstasy and 24% cocaine on campuses. Students are cautious while taking LSD as 61% of students never tried this. One research conducted online and questioned 1401 students, just 3% of the students said they never want to tried cannabis, now you can assume how radically use of this type of drugs increasing. (Friedberg, 2012) Drugs are illegal and by consuming it students get a risk of affecting their mental and physical health, these drugs make young people lead to unprotected sex and it cause STDs and unplanned pregnancy. The legal penalties are severe as if found guilty, possession of A class drugs can lead to 7 years of prison and if found guilty. As a result, then students waste their years to attend school. Most of the students nearly more than half percent of students when arrived at university they already have know how of drugs and they had to used them regularly before arriving at university. A very big numbers of students tried drugs by the age of 16. Many of the students smoke cigarettes and some of them tried

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Factors that motivate Chinese students to study in the Uk Essay

Factors that motivate Chinese students to study in the Uk - Essay Example The aim of the present study is to investigate the factors that motivate Chinese student study to study in the UK. In order to understand the factors motivating Chinese students to study in the UK more clearly, the NCUK institution in Beijing will be used as a case study. Background of the Study Higher education has become an increasingly significant area of society in recent times, and higher education is likely to expand further in the 21st century. The 21st century might ultimately be known as the century of education. Numerous scholars view the arrival of an educated society, e.g. Unit Kingdom, Finland, Norway. Growth continues in a number of the world’s higher education systems, with predictions that millions of students will enter postgraduate educational institutions around the world in the next two decades, with most of that expansion occurring in the developing world. The last few decades of the 20th century witnessed considerable escalation in student mobility. The e xistence of international students on university campuses across different countries has increased over the past few years. Chinese students represent one of the biggest groups amongst international students in the United Kingdom (Altbach & Teichler, 2001). Due to a dramatic change in the policies of the Chinese government over the past few decades, a developing country has grown into as a super power (Wang, 2007). This development has come together with important reforms in higher education aimed at playing an important role in modernizing China (Zhang, 2007). The Open Door Policy taken up in 1978, which promoted foreign investment in China, allowed dual exchanges in education, firstly, teachers could go into foreign institutes of higher education to enhance the quality of their teaching, and secondly, a number of Chinese students could go abroad to study for higher degrees (Knight & DeWit, 1995). Since then, several impressive reforms in Chinese higher education have both altered the lives of many Chinese students and scholars. Since the pat two decades, education in China has been internationalized due to increase in globalization. This internationalization comprises a number of different activities, such as student and teacher exchange, specialized studies, technological assistance, the education of international students, and joint research programmes. China has become one of the world’s biggest exporters of students around the globe. Recent there are different researches to study the internationalization of higher education on various perspective, a number of which have been carried out in developed countries (Altbach & Teichler, 2001). China is the biggest supplier of international students around the world (Altbach & Knight, 2007). In recent decades, more and more Chinese students have been educated abroad for graduate degrees, with a number of graduate students studying in the United Kingdom (Mackie, 2007). The notion of gainning graduate degre es in British universities is broadly connected to the internationalization of higher education in China, as well as to the globalization of the Chinese society (Altbach & Knight, 2007). In order to achieve the dream of graduating from a foreign university, more specifically, the UK, there are a number of factors that influence students’ decision-making process. Researchers have discovered that family influence is a significant factor in overseas study decisions (Shanka, Quintal & Taylor, 2005). The opinions of family members might exercise various kinds of influence up on an individual’s behavior (Shanka, Quintal & Taylor, 2005). This is mainly because the nuclear familiar (single child policy) is small, parents have to finance the education