Thursday, May 21, 2020

Sigmund Freud, Neurologist And Founder Of Psychoanalysis,

Sigmund Freud, neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis, paved the way of dream interpretation with little competition or suspicion to his discoveries. That was until the rise of his former advocate, Carl Jung, began to challenge the founders beliefs. While working together, Jung and Freud explored the human mind and jointly agreed on the separation of the conscious and unconscious. Within the unconscious and dreams there was a mutual understanding of the need to identify and interpret symbols. They wanted to give ground to dreams and find the reasons behind them. Though this six year long collaboration was intense and profound, 1913 was the last year the two psychoanalyst interacted because of the radical disagreements in human analysis†¦show more content†¦Freud believed in one unconscious that was unique to each person based on their past experiences of mostly infantile sexuality. Each individual is exclusively subjected to only information from their own unconscious to uncover the repressed desires. This rendered analyzing an individual’s dream extremely difficult. One person would first have to identify personal symbols within the context of their dream that would explain the inappropriate sexual desires they have repressed in their unconscious. As discoveries advanced, Carl Jung decided to investigate past the singular unconscious that Freud established and thus identified a collective and personal unconscious. Jung regarded the unconscious as highly important and therefore in need of a more complex definition. With the use of a two part unconscious, one is able to infer on a wider range of analysis. And with the collective unconscious analysis is also more easily understood. â€Å"The personal unconscious is a superficial layer but the collective unconscious is where most evidence can be derived from by archetypes. While the personal unconscious reveles emotional complexes the collective reveals universal â€Å"primitive modes of emotion and behavior† (Weitz 292). This means that the collective unconscious was of higher importance to Jung because he believed the universal symbols within revealed more analysis than a personal unconscious ever could. Jung notes thatShow MoreRelatedThe Personality Theories Of Sigmund Freud And Alfred Adler999 Words   |  4 Pagestheories of Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler. Within this paper, the background of the theorist will be discussed along with personality theories. This paper will also provide description some of the major principles of personality theories to include lifespan personality changes, gender and culture. The last section will be a personal opinion, why and conclusion of the theories how it can be conceptualized regarding my own family situation. 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Sigmund Freud was a neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis. Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born May 6th, 1856 in Freiberg in Mà ¤hren, Moravia, Austrian Empire and died on September 23rd, 1939 at Hampstead, London, UK. Sigmund was influenced by Charles Darwin, ArthurRead MoreSigmund Freud Biography1317 Words   |  6 PagesSigmund Frued, Austrian physician, neurologist, and founder of psychoanalysis. Freud was born in Freiberg (now Prà ­bor, Czech Republic), on May 6, 1856, and educated at the University of Vienna. When he was three years old his family, fleeing from the anti-Semitic riots then raging in Freiberg, moved to Leipzig. Shortly thereafter, the family settled in Vienna, where Freud remained for most of his life. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Research Paper Proposal The Black Death - 1171 Words

The anticipated research paper will be taking into consideration the perspectives of the individuals that lived and died as a result of the Black Death, specifically from the year 1348 CE – 1350 CE and in the better known parts of the world during that period, the reactions, preventative measure that were taken to combat the plague, the religious and governmental response. In the collection of primary sources amassed by John Aberth in The Black Death, 1348-1350: the great mortality of 1348-1350 ; a brief history with documents1 he very succinctly provides a condensed description of each document by giving a background of the author as well as the source of the primary source. Aberth manages to do this while remaining impartial, an†¦show more content†¦In their determination, â€Å"Jupiter, being wet and hot, draws up evil vapors from the earth, and Mars, because it is immediately dry and hot, then ignites the vapors, and as a result there were lightnings, sparks, no xious vapors and fires throughout the air.†4 Rosemary Horroxs The Black Death5 is entirely confined to Europe in the areas that presently comprise the United Kingdom6, Italy and France, and covers the plague through the first to the fourth outbreak. Horroxs book is similar to Aberths Great Mortality in that it provides a selection of primary sources which, although they span the various outbreaks, also give insight to the medieval reaction. Additionally, Horrox subsequently goes into the reactions and consequences of the plague in the same way that Aberth does in From the brink of the apocalypse, only she provides primary sources for these. Before each selection of primary sources Horrox puts them into context consequently providing a set-up to each group of sources. This method comes across as much more organized than Aberths Apocalypse from a research standpoint as it is much easier to isolate the information one may need. Like Aberth, Horrox maintains an impartiality in her book so that the reader can read the primary sources and experience the emotions uninfluenced and unbiased. Using the availability of notarys documentation, Richard W. Emerys The Black DeathShow MoreRelatedThe Black Panther Party By Jessica C. Harris1053 Words   |  5 Pagesinside and out investigation of The Black Panther Party as a particular illustration for progressive patriotism and breaks down altogether the positive commitments they made and in addition the negative parts of the gathering. Jessica C. Harris, who was fixated on the historical backdrop of the organization, did research and composed the paper. 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Burglary Criminal Data Comparison Free Essays

The year 1929 marked the conception of the Uniform Crime Reporting program (UCR) by the chiefs of police international association to gather for the required reliability and homogeneous crime data for the country. The mission of collection, publication and archiving of this information was rendered to the FBI in 1930. At present, numerous yearly statistical data such as â€Å"Crime in the United States† is published from information provided by approximately 17,000 U. We will write a custom essay sample on Burglary Criminal Data Comparison or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. law enforcement organizations. UCR Program later formulated the NIBRS-National Incident Based Reporting System as an answer to necessitate the want for in-depth and flexible data. Crime Indicators In a period not less than 30years the United States has had two national crime indicators: the UCR program and the NCVS-National Crime Victimization Survey that gathers a statistics from a nationally balanced representative sample of persons 12 years and above who produce crime estimates independent of the recorded performances of the criminal justice organization. Information from both is normally used jointly to present a more inclusive evaluation of crime in the United States. Burglary Burglary as defined by the Uniform Crime Reporting program is the illegal entrance into a structure to commit an offense or theft. For an offense to be classified under burglary the use of force to attain entry is not a must. The program has 3 subdivisions for burglary: entry by force, illegal entry without use of force and attempted entry by force. The same applies to the UCR’s classification of structure which includes barn, apartment, and houseboat or house trailer is used as lifelong residence, ship vessel, office, railroad car excluding automobiles. Legal enforcement urgencies in 2005 reported an approximated 2,154,126 burglary crime which represents a 0. 5% rise from the 2004 figures. An assessment of decade trends shows a 1. 8% rise in burglary rates in comparison with the 2001 approximation, and a 14 % decrease from the 1996 figures. Based on the table’s approximation of committed property crimes, burglary accounted for over 21 percent of the total with an average dollar loss of 1,725 USD. Statistics show that of the residential burglary offences that occurred in 2005, a majority 65% took place during daytime, however for nonresidential structures most burglary offences (58 percent) happened in the night- that’s between 1800hours and 0600hours. This information can aid one on drawing trends of burglary offences considering the population, form of life and city structure. New York Metropolitan Area In recent years police survey information show that burglary in the core counties of the New York Metropolitan region’s core counties has been on the decline. And as anticipated the UCR burglary rate was lower than the NCVS total burglary rate, this is attributed to the reluctance of victims to report with only about 61% of burglary incidences recorded by the police. Most occurrences were reported from lower class residential areas with high unemployment rates with the offenders being violent youths mostly. Chicago Metropolitan Area Police and survey estimates agree of decline in burglary incidences since 2000 but still the NCVS rate was higher than the UCR with only 52% of burglary incidences reported over this period. Rates were high in suburban areas of Illinois and generally performed during the day but not violently. Its noted that the offenses were executed mostly by men but some of them usually nonviolent were an act of the female gender. Conclusion It should be noted that most of those local state agencies with the interest to review rates or crime trends, classically draw analysis about felony in their regions basing singly on police statistics. This study has examined the comparison of police figures to victim survey information on burglary and other crimes for the big cities in the country. Gender ,age and class form the most noteworthy burglary variables compounded with the effects of class i. e. unemployment and location. Unlike men, females have a tendency to start burglary in their later stages in life with lower/ underclass females involved than young women. References Maston, C. and Klaus, P. (2006). Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2005 statistical tables. Violent Crime since 1993, US Department of Justice. http://www. ojp. usdoj. gov/bjs/glance/tables/4meastab. htm. Retrieved on March 13, 2009. How to cite Burglary Criminal Data Comparison, Papers